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Monthly highlights


February Auction

1 - A.B.C.Gum

2 - A.B.C.Gum
Huck Finn (ILLAMI)

3 - A.I.Jones
Nautical Terms - Harbour Lights

4 - Adkin
Pretty Girls Series (Actresses) - Miss Fanny Leslie

5 - Adkin
Pretty Girls Series (Actresses) - Miss Irene Vernon

6 - Adkin
Pretty Girls Series (Actresses) - Miss Kate Chapman

7 - Allen Ginter
Celebrated Indian Chiefs - Bull Head light wrinkling o/w

8 - Allen Ginter
Quadrupeds (Standard Size)

9 - Allen Ginter
Types of Nations - Russia

10 - Allen Ginter
Wild Animals of the World - Elephant

11 - Allen Ginter
Worlds Dudes - Coaching

12 - Allen Ginter
Worlds Dudes - Cockney

13 - Allen Ginter
Worlds Dudes - Frankfort

14 - Allen Ginter
Worlds Dudes - Hoboken

15 - Allen Ginter
Worlds Dudes - Magyar

16 - Allen Ginter
Worlds Dudes - Scotch

17 - Allen Ginter
Worlds Dudes - Signor Macaroni

18 - Anglo Confection
Beatles Yellow Submarine

19 - Anonymous
The European War Series

20 - Baker
Beauties of all Nations (A.Baker) - Brazilian

21 - Baker
Beauties of all Nations (A.Baker) - French

22 - Baker
Beauties of all Nations A.Baker)

23 - Barkers
Circus Scenes

24 - Barratt
Australian Cricketers (Action Series)

25 - Barratt
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons

26 - Barratt
Cricket Team Folders - No 7 Somersetshire

27 - Barratt
TVs Sea Hunt - Inc Nos 1,2,4-6,8-11,13,15,17,19,22,23,24,26,30,31,35.

28 - Bassett
Football 1982/83

29 - Bassett
Super Heroes

30 - Beano
This Age of Speed 2 Buses and Trams

31 - Bell
Scottish Clans Series - No 5

32 - Bell
Scottish Clans Series - No 17

33 - Boguslavsky
Mythological Gods and Goddesses - Inc Nos 2,3,4,5,7,15,17,18,20,24.

34 - Boys Friend
Rising Boxing Stars (2 VG REST EX)

35 - Boys Magazine
Famous Cricketers Series - No 5

36 - Brooke Bond
Bingo Cards (Triple Heads) - Anthony Barber,Jack Charlton,Edward Heath

37 - Brooke Bond
Bingo Cards (Triple Heads) - Dustin Hoffman,Richard Nixon,Ringo Starr

38 - Brooke Bond
Bingo Cards (Triple Heads) - Paul Newman,Richard Nixon,Elvis Presley

39 - Brooke Bond
Bingo Cards (Triple Heads) - Richard Burton,Edward Heath,Steve McQueen

40 - Brooke Bond
Bingo Cards (Triple Heads) - Steve McQueen,Elvis Presley,Eliz Taylor

41 - Brooke Bond
Bingo Cards (Triple Heads) - Tony Blackburn,Agatha Christie,Dustin Hoffman.

42 - Brooke Bond
Bird Portraits (No Address)

43 - Brooke Bond
USA - Tropical Birds

44 - Brooke Bond
Wild Flowers 1st

45 - Brooke Bond
Wild Flowers 2nd (issued in)

46 - Bucktrout
Inventors Series

47 - C.W.S.
British Sports Series - No 1 cnr wrinkle o/w

48 - C.W.S.
British Sports Series - No 16 Boxing

49 - C.W.S.
British Sports Series - No 27

50 - C.W.S.
British Sports Series - No 28

51 - C.W.S.
British Sports Series - No 31

52 - C.W.S.
British Sports Series - No 50 cnr wrinkle o/w

53 - C.W.S.
Co-Operative Buildings and Works - Brush and Mat Works Leeds

54 - C.W.S.
Co-Operative Buildings and Works - Bucket and Fender Works Dudley

55 - C.W.S.
Co-Operative Buildings and Works - Butter Factory Brislington Bristol

56 - C.W.S.
Co-Operative Buildings and Works - Cocoa Works Luton

57 - C.W.S.
Co-Operative Buildings and Works - Colour and Varnishing Works Rochdale

58 - C.W.S.
Co-Operative Buildings and Works - CWS Tea Dept London

59 - C.W.S.
Co-Operative Buildings and Works - Drug and Dry Saltery Works Pelaw

60 - C.W.S.
Co-Operative Buildings and Works - Flour Mills Dunstan

61 - C.W.S.
Co-Operative Buildings and Works - West Blandford St Newcastle on Tyne

62 - C.W.S.
War Series - No 6

63 - Calvert
Dan Dare

64 - Carerras
Women on War Work - No 1

65 - Carerras
Women on War Work - No 10

66 - Carerras
Women on War Work - No 19

67 - Carerras
Women on War Work - No 24

68 - Carerras
Women on War Work - No 44

69 - Carerras
Women on War Work - No 46

70 - Carerras
Women on War Work - No 5

71 - Carerras
Women on War Work - No 9

72 - Carreras
Famous Escapes (Standard Size)

73 - Carreras
Horses and Hounds (Standard Size)

74 - Cartledge
Famous Prizefighters

75 - Castrol
Famous Riders

76 - Churchman
Actresses FROGA A - Ida Rehan (Looking Left)

77 - Churchman
Actresses FROGA A - Millie Lindon

78 - Churchman
Actresses FROGA A - Miss Sedohr Rhodes

79 - Churchman

80 - Churchman
Frisky Instructions

81 - Churchman
Prominent Golfers (standard size) - No 36

82 - Churchman
Prominent Golfers (standard size) - No 37

83 - Churchman
Prominent Golfers (standard size) - No 38

84 - Churchman
Prominent Golfers (standard size) - No 48

85 - Churchman
Prominent Golfers (standard size) - No 50

86 - Clarke
Boer War Celebrities - Maj Gen George Henry Marshall

87 - Clarke
Sporting Terms - Cricket A Maiden Over

88 - Clarke
Sporting Terms - Cycling High Gear tiny tear o/w

89 - Clarke
Sporting Terms - Cycling Side Shake

90 - Clevedon
Famous Footballers - No 14

91 - Clevedon
Famous Footballers - No 17

92 - Clevedon
Famous Footballers - No 2

93 - Clevedon
Famous Footballers - No 23

94 - Clevedon
Famous Footballers - No 24

95 - Clevedon
Famous Footballers - No 25

96 - Clevedon
Famous Footballers - No 39

97 - Clevedon
Famous Footballers - No 6

98 - Clevedon
Famous Footballers - No 7

99 - Clevedon
Famous Footballers - No 9

100 - Clevedon
Famous International Aircraft

101 - Clevedon
Football Club Managers - No 6

102 - Cohen Weenan
Naval and Military Phrases (Blue Back) - Calling out the Militia

103 - Cohen Weenan
Star Artistes

104 - Coles Stores
Cricketers (No Frame) - Dick Pollard

105 - Coles Stores
Cricketers (No Frame) - T.P.B.Smith

106 - Comet Sweets
Olympic Achievements 1st

107 - Commodex
Operation Moon

108 - Como
Sooty's Latest Adventures 3rd

109 - Cope
Boxing Lessons

110 - Cope
Copes Golfers - No 16

111 - Cope
Copes Golfers - No 23

112 - Cope
Copes Golfers - No 39

113 - Cope
Copes Golfers - No 41

114 - Cope
Eminent British Regiments Officers Uniforms (Eng Brown) - No 10

115 - Cope
Eminent British Regiments Officers Uniforms (Eng Brown) - No 20

116 - Cope
Eminent British Regiments Officers Uniforms (Eng Brown) - No 21

117 - Cope
Eminent British Regiments Officers Uniforms (Eng Brown) - No 5

118 - Cope
Eminent British Regiments Officers Uniforms (Eng Claret) - No 5

119 - Cope
Flags Arms and Types of all Nations (Numbered) - No 1

120 - Cope
Flags Arms and Types of all Nations (Numbered) - No 10

121 - Cope
Flags Arms and Types of all Nations (Numbered) - No 12

122 - Cope
Flags Arms and Types of all Nations (Numbered) - No 16

123 - Cope
Flags Arms and Types of all Nations (Numbered) - No 5

124 - Cope
Flags Arms and Types of all Nations (Numbered) - No 7

125 - Cope
Uniforms (Circular Medallion Back) - United States Rifleman

126 - Cope
Uniforms (Square Medallion Back Narrow) - Austrian Garde Du Corps

127 - Cope
Uniforms (Square Medallion Back Narrow) - British Infantry Officer

128 - Cope
Uniforms (Square Medallion Back Narrow) - French Artillery Officer

129 - Cope
Uniforms (Square Medallion Back Narrow) - Russian Paulowski Infatry

130 - Cummings
Famous Fighters Inc Joe Louis and Jack Dempsey

131 - Daily Ice Cream
Modern British Locomotives

132 - Drapkin
Shots from the Films (RARE)

133 - Duke
Fancy Dress Ball Gowns (Standard Size) - Cinderella

134 - Duke
Fancy Dress Ball Gowns (Standard Size) - Tiger Lily

135 - Duke
Floral Beauties and Language of Flowers - Primrose Flirtation

136 - Duke
Heroes of the Civil War (small piece missing from back cover) o/w

137 - Duke
Postage Stamps

138 - Duke
Scenes of Perilous Occupations - Electric Line Man

139 - Duke
Scenes of Perilous Occupations - Fisherman off the coast of Newfoundland

140 - Duke
Scenes of Perilous Occupations - Horse Training

141 - Duke
Scenes of Perilous Occupations - The Lion Tamer

142 - Duke
Stars of the Stage (White Border) - No 13

143 - Duke
Stars of the Stage (White Border) - No 25

144 - Duke
Stars of the Stage (White Border) - No 3

145 - Edmondsons
Pictures from the Fairey Stories - Hey Diddle Diddle

146 - Edmondsons
Pictures from the Fairey Stories - Old Mother Hubbard

147 - Edmondsons
Pictures from the Fairey Stories - Wendy and the Fairies

148 - Faulkner
Grenadier Guards - Drummer 1745

149 - Faulkner
Grenadier Guards - Officer 1792

150 - Faulkner
Grenadier Guards - Pikeman 1660

151 - Faulkner
Grenadier Guards - Private 1745

152 - Faulkner
Grenadier Guards - Private 1850

153 - Faulkner
Our Gallant Grenadiers (With ITC Clause) - No 14

154 - Faulkner
Our Gallant Grenadiers (With ITC Clause) - No 15

155 - Faulkner
Our Gallant Grenadiers (With ITC Clause) - No 4

156 - Faulkner
Police Terms - Police Court

157 - Faulkner
Police Terms - Prepare for Action

158 - Faulkner
Street Cries - Muffins cnr wrinkle o/w

159 - Gallaher
Regimental Colours and Standards (151-200)

160 - Gallaher
Votaries of the Weed - No 10

161 - Gallaher
Votaries of the Weed - No 7

162 - Gaycon
British Butterflies

163 - Girls Friend
Actresses (Silk)

164 - Gloag
Beauites PLUM (Black and White Challenge Flat) - Lady leaning on Chair

165 - Gloag
Beauites PLUM (Black and White Challenge Flat) - Lady seated reading

166 - Godfrey Phillips
Cricketers (Pinnace) - No 100c

167 - Godfrey Phillips
Cricketers (Pinnace) - No 101c

168 - Godfrey Phillips
Cricketers (Pinnace) - No 132c

169 - Godfrey Phillips
Cricketers (Pinnace) - No 133c

170 - Godfrey Phillips
Cricketers (Pinnace) - No 194c

171 - Godfrey Phillips
Cricketers (Pinnace) - No 195c

172 - Godfrey Phillips
Cricketers (Pinnace) - No 196c

173 - Godfrey Phillips
Cricketers (Pinnace) - No 197c

174 - Godfrey Phillips
Cricketers (Pinnace) - No 198c

175 - Godfrey Phillips
Cricketers (Pinnace) - No 99c

176 - Godfrey Phillips
Famous Cricketers

177 - Godfrey Phillips
Film Favorites

178 - Godfrey Phillips
Lawn Tennis

179 - Godfrey Phillips
Red Indians

180 - Godfrey Phillips
Stars of the Screen (Not Embossed)

181 - Goodbody
Eminent Actresses (Name at Bottom) - Miss Fortesque

182 - Goodbody
Eminent Actresses (Name at Bottom) - Miss May Palfrey

183 - Goodies
Wide World People of other Lands

184 - Goodwin
Occupations For Women - Aeronaut

185 - Goodwin
Occupations For Women - Bodyguard

186 - Goodwin
Occupations For Women - Lawyer

187 - Goodwin
Occupations For Women - Teacher

188 - Hignett
Greetings of the World

189 - Hignett
Yachts (Black Back) - Fricka

190 - Hill
Battleships and Crests - No 13

191 - Hill
Battleships and Crests - No 4

192 - Hill
Battleships and Crests - No 5

193 - Hill
Battleships and Crests - No 7

194 - Hill
Battleships and Crests - No 9

195 - Hill
Boer War Generals Campaigners - Lord Kitchener

196 - Hill
Boer War Generals Campaigners - Lt Gen Sir George White

197 - Hoadleys
Empire Games and Teams - No 32 D.R.Jardine Cricket

198 - Hoadleys
Wild West Series

199 - Hobbypress
The Worlds Great Cricketers

200 - Kane
International Football Stars

201 - Kensitas
Flowers (P.Series Printed Back) 2 vg mostly NR EX

202 - Kensitas
Flowers (Silk 3 Printed Backs)

203 - Kensitas
Flowers 2nd Series LARGE (Silk)

204 - Kimball
Dancing Women - Swiss

205 - Kimball
Fancy Bathers - Brighton Beach

206 - Kimball
Fancy Bathers - Greve D'Azette

207 - Kimball
Fancy Bathers - Nantucket

208 - Kimball
Fancy Bathers - Rockaway

209 - Kimball
Fancy Bathers - Saint Briac

210 - Kinney
Harlequin Cards (52)

211 - Kinney
Harlequin Cards Series 2 - 4 of Clubs

212 - Kinney
Harlequin Cards Series 2 - Queen of Spades

213 - Kinney
National Dances (White Border)

214 - Lambert Butler
Conundrums (Green) - No 4

215 - Lambert Butler
Conundrums (Green) - No 7

216 - Lambert Butler
Interesting Customs and Traditions of the Navy, Army and Air Force

217 - Lambert Butler
Motor Cars 3rd - No 22

218 - Lambert Butler
Motors - No 19

219 - Lambert Butler
Waverley Series

220 - Macfisheries
Poster Pointers

221 - Madison
Disc Jockeys 2nd

222 - Marburg
Typical Ships - Bark

223 - Marburg
Typical Ships - Greenland Boat

224 - Marburg
Typical Ships - Norwegian Boat

225 - Marburg
Typical Ships - Steam Yacht Atlanta

226 - Marlow
Famous Clowns

227 - Mars
Famous Film Stars

228 - Mitcham Foods

229 - Mitchell
Clan Tartans 2nd

230 - Mitchell
Old Sporting Prints

231 - Molassine
Dogs of all Coutries - No 11

232 - Molassine
Dogs of all Coutries - No 12

233 - Morris
Australian Cricketers

234 - Morris
Boer War 1900 - Capt M.F.M.Meiklejohn

235 - Morris
Boer War 1900 - Lt Norwood

236 - Morris
Boer War 1900 - Major Babtie

237 - Morrita
Red Indians incs Geronimo and Red Cloud

238 - Murray
Types of Aeroplanes

239 - Murray
War Series K - Bengal Lancers

240 - Murray
War Series K - Earl Kitchener of Khartoum

241 - Nicholls
Orders of Chivalry

242 - Ogden
Beauties HOL (Blue Printed Back) - No 18

243 - Ogden
Beauties HOL (Blue Printed Back) - No 2

244 - Ogden
Cricket 1926

245 - Ogden
Famous Dirt Track Riders

246 - Ogden
Trick Billiards

247 - Ogden Guinea Gold
Golf Base I - Massey creased o/w

248 - Ogden Tabs
Gen Interest (97-2 Golf) - Douglas Mcewan

249 - Ogden Tabs
Gen Interest (97-2 Golf) - James Braid

250 - Ogden Tabs
Gen Interest (97-2 Golf) - John Graham

251 - Ogden Tabs
Gen Interest (97-2 Golf) - Miss Issette Pearson

252 - Oliver
German Orders and Decorations

253 - Oxo
Bull Series

254 - Packer
Humerous Drawings

255 - Player
Advert Card (estimonial Back) - Sailor Long Pipe

256 - Player
Characters From Dickens (LARGE) - Sgt Buzzfuz,Capt Cuttle,Artful Dodger

257 - Player
Englands Military Heroes (Wide Plain Back) - Maj Gen Lord Methuen

258 - Player
Englands Naval Heroes (Narrow Non Descriptive) - Markham

259 - Player
Gilbert and Sullivan 2nd (LARGE)

260 - Player
Military Series

261 - Player
Picturesque Cottages - Nos 2,5,20,22.

262 - Player
Polar Exploration 2nd

263 - Player
Speedway Riders

264 - Player
Famous Authors and Poets (Narrow) - Byron

265 - Player
Famous Authors and Poets (Narrow) - Carlyle

266 - Player
Famous Authors and Poets (Narrow) - Lord Lytton

267 - Player
Famous Authors and Poets (Narrow) - Shakespeare

268 - Player
Famous Authors and Poets (Narrow) - Tom Hood

269 - Player Overseas
Picturesque People of the Empire

270 - Primrose
Laurel and Hardy (1/-)

271 - Primrose
Queen Elizabeth 2 (Thick Card)

272 - Ray
War Series (26-100) - No 79

273 - Red Letter
Charlie Chaplin Cards - A Ticklish Job

274 - Red Letter
Charlie Chaplin Cards - Charlie at Work

275 - Red Letter
Charlie Chaplin Cards - Spoons

276 - Robinson
Egyptian Studies - No 24

277 - Rocket
Famous Knockouts

278 - Rossi
Worlds Fastest Aircraft

279 - Rutter
Comic Phrases - Keeping Pace with the Times

280 - Rutter
Comic Phrases - The Mother in Law

281 - Salmon Gluckstein
Characters From Dickens - Mrs Gamp

282 - Salmon Gluckstein
The Great White City

283 - Salmon Gluckstein
Traditions of the Army and Navy (small numbers) - No 25

284 - Scots Sports
Legends of Golf - Ben Hogan

285 - Sheriden
Bobby Jones at St Andrews

286 - Sheriden
The Bobby Jones Story

287 - Singleton & Cole
Orient Royal Mail Line - RMS Omrah

288 - Singleton & Cole
Orient Royal Mail Line - RMS Ophir

289 - Smith
Footballers (Blue Back No Series Title Cup Tie Cigs) - No 34

290 - Stollwerck
Views of the World - Venice The Ca d'Oro Palace

291 - Sword
Dogs - No 1

292 - Sword
Dogs - No 20

293 - Sword
Dogs - No 6

294 - Taddy
Admirals and Generals - No 1

295 - Taddy
Admirals and Generals - No 19

296 - Taddy
Admirals and Generals - No 20

297 - Taddy
Admirals and Generals - No 29

298 - Taddy
Admirals and Generals - No 3

299 - Taddy
Admirals and Generals - No 7

300 - Taddy
Boer Leaders - No 10

301 - Taddy
Boer Leaders - No 16

302 - Taddy
Boer Leaders - No 20

303 - Taddy
Boer Leaders - No 3

304 - Taddy
Boer Leaders - No 4

305 - Taddy
Boer Leaders - No 6

306 - Taddy
Boer Leaders - No 7

307 - Taddy
Boer Leaders - No 8

308 - Taddy
Boer Leaders - No 9

309 - Taddy
British Medals and Ribbons - No 27

310 - Taddy
Coronation Series - No 11

311 - Taddy
Coronation Series - No 12

312 - Taddy
Coronation Series - No 13

313 - Taddy
Coronation Series - No 14

314 - Taddy
Coronation Series - No 22

315 - Taddy
Coronation Series - No 29

316 - Taddy
County Cricketers - A.E.Lewis Somersetshire

317 - Taddy
County Cricketers - C.Benham Essex

318 - Taddy
County Cricketers - Capt H.S.Poyntz Somersetshire

319 - Taddy
County Cricketers - E.Robson Somersetshire

320 - Taddy
County Cricketers - J.S.Heap Lancashire

321 - Taddy
County Cricketers - Mr H.K.Foster Wocestershire

322 - Taddy
County Cricketers - Mr P.Perrin Essex

323 - Taddy
County Cricketers - W.Worsley Lancashire

324 - Taddy
New Zealand Footballers - D.McGregor

325 - Taddy
New Zealand Footballers - W.H.Mackrell

326 - Taddy
Orders of Chivalry 1st

327 - Taddy
Orders of Chivalry 2nd - No 1

328 - Taddy
Orders of Chivalry 2nd - No 11

329 - Taddy
Orders of Chivalry 2nd - No 16

330 - Taddy
Orders of Chivalry 2nd - No 17

331 - Taddy
Orders of Chivalry 2nd - No 19

332 - Taddy
Orders of Chivalry 2nd - No 25

333 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (LONDON MIXTURE) - A.Wood Fulham

334 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (LONDON MIXTURE) - Bert Bliss Tottenham

335 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (LONDON MIXTURE) - E.Charlton Fulham

336 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (LONDON MIXTURE) - E.J.Lightfoot Tottenham

337 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (LONDON MIXTURE) - J.Cantrell Tottenham

338 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (LONDON MIXTURE) - W.White Fulham

339 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - A.G.Morris Notts Forest

340 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - A.Lindsay Fulham

341 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - A.McCombie Newcastle

342 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - A.Sheppard Bolton Wanderers

343 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - C.Campbell Bradford City

344 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - E.Hall Hull

345 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - E.Latheron Blackburn Rovers

346 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - F.Clipstone Portsmouth

347 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - F.Speedie Newcastle

348 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - G.Handley Bradford City

349 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - H.Clay Bristol City

350 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - H.Stringfellow Portsmouth

351 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Armstrong Notts Forest

352 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Baverstock Bolton Wanderers

353 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Bradley Liverpool

354 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Carr Newcastle

355 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Cox Liverpool

356 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Derbyshire Portsmouth

357 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.F.Hargreaves Leeds City

358 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Freeborough Leeds City

359 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Hewitt Liverpool

360 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Hughes Liverpool

361 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Millar Bradford City

362 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Powell Cardiff

363 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Stanley Bolton Wanderers

364 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Turnbull Manchester United

365 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - J.Whiteley Leeds City

366 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - P.F.Bush Cardiff

367 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - R.Brown Middlesbrough

368 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - R.Dalrymple Fulham

369 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - R.T.Gabe Cardiff

370 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - S.Farren Bradford City

371 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - S.Gilligan Bristol City

372 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - S.Marsh Bolton Wanderers

373 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - T.Bowman Portsmouth

374 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - T.Hynds Leeds City

375 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - T.Wilson Middlesbrough

376 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - W.Appleyard Newcastle

377 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - W.Barker Middlesbrough

378 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - W.Demmery Bristol City

379 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - W.Goldie Fulham

380 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - W.Hooper Notts Forest

381 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - W.J.Lyon Portsmouth

382 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - W.Kirby Portsmouth

383 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (No Footnote) - W.McDonald Brighton and Hove Albion

384 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - A.E.Pickett New Brompton

385 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - B.Thompson Clapton Orient

386 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - E.Cresser Leyton

387 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - F.Oliver Clapton Orient

388 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - H.Reason Clapton Orient

389 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - H.Wilcox Plymouth Argyle

390 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - J.Ashcroft Blackburn Rovers

391 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - J.Diss Leyton

392 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - S.F.Morrison Leyton

393 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - T.Holford Manchester City

394 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - T.Kelso Manchester City

395 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - W.Busby Leyton

396 - Taddy
Prominent Footballers (With Footnote) - W.Smith Manchester City

397 - Taddy
Royalty Actresses and Soldiers - Emperor of Austria

398 - Taddy
Royalty Actresses and Soldiers - Empress of Germany

399 - Taddy
Royalty Actresses and Soldiers - King of Italy wrinkle o/w

400 - Taddy
Royalty Actresses and Soldiers - Prussian Uhlan wrinkle o/w

401 - Taddy
Territorial Regiments

402 - Taddy
Thames Series - No 22

403 - Taddy
Thames Series - No 23

404 - Taddy
Thames Series - No 4

405 - Thomson
Cricketers (KF)

406 - Thomson
Famous Footballers (Different)

407 - Thomson
Warrior Cards (Domino Back)

408 - Thomson
Warrior Cards (Sectional Back)

409 - Topical Times
Minature Panel Portraits A

410 - Topical Times
Stars of Today

411 - Trucards
Animals and History of Aircraft

412 - Tucketts
Autograph Series - No 1

413 - Typhoo
Robin Hood and his Merry Men

414 - U.T.C.South Africa
Silhouettes of M.L.As - General Hertzog

415 - Union Jack
Monarchs of the Ring

416 - W.H.J.Woods
Romance of the Royal Mail

417 - Walker Harrison Garthwaite
Dogs - Fox Terrier

418 - Walker Harrison Garthwaite
Dogs - Gordon Setter

419 - Walls
Incredible Hulk Records

420 - Walters Toffee
Some Cap Badges of Territorial Regiments

421 - Whitbread
Inn Signs Isle of Wight - No 15

422 - Whitbread
Inn Signs Isle of Wight - No 19

423 - Whitbread
Inn Signs Isle of Wight - No 20

424 - Whitbread
Inn Signs London (15) - No 3

425 - Wilkinson
Popular Footballers - No 13

426 - Wilkinson
Popular Footballers - No 5

427 - Wilkinson
Popular Footballers - No 7

428 - Wilkinson
Popular Footballers - No 9

429 - Wills
Association Football (No Frame)

430 - Wills
Association Football (With Frame)

431 - Wills
Cricketers 1901 (With Vignette) - No 3

432 - Wills
Cricketers 1901 (With Vignette) - No 37

433 - Wills
Cricketers 1901 (With Vignette) - No 4

434 - Wills
Cricketers 1901 (With Vignette) - No 48

435 - Wills
Cricketers 1901 (With Vignette) - No 8

436 - Wills
Famous British Liners 2nd

437 - Wills
Homeland Events (54)

438 - Wills
Musical Celebrities 1st

439 - Wills
Rigs of Ships

440 - Wills
Ships (Brownish Card) - Chinese Junk

441 - Wills
Ships (Wills on Front) - HM Yacht Victoria and Albert

442 - Wills
Ships (Wills on Front) - HMS Benbow

443 - Wills
Ships (Wills on Front) - HMS Black Prince

444 - Wills
Ships (Wills on Front) - HMS Renown

445 - Wills
Ships (Wills on Front) - HMS Repulse

446 - Wills
Ships (Wills on Front) - HMS Undaunted

447 - Wills
Ships (Wills on Front) - Trawling off Cascades

448 - Wills
Ships (Wills on Front) - Union Liner Norman

449 - Wills New Zealand

450 - Young
Naval Skits - Captain 1735


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